Resume Up-to-date


Apr 2021 - Now
Amazon Web Services
Dublin, Ireland
Senior Software Development Engineer
Design and development of platforms for Cloud Computing solutions with high level of availability: Amazon CloudWatch. Additional responsibilities from previous role include a more central position in driving the overall team design and code quality.
Sep 2017 - Apr 2021
Amazon Web Services
Dublin, Ireland
Web Development Engineer
Design and development of platforms for Cloud Computing solutions with high level of availability: Amazon CloudWatch. Full-stack software development with web technologies (React as Javascript framework) and Java Spring, with the addition of operational responsibilities (DevOps): maintaining continuous integration, software deployment and monitoring, etc. Work in team with the Scrum agile framework.

Sep 2014 - Sep 2017
Noemalife - Dedalus: Healthcare System Group
Bologna, Italy
Analyst and Software Developer
In the field of biomedical informatics, my work focused on analysis laboratory automation. In particular, it consists of development of distributed enterprise applications (using the Java SE/EE/JBoss/Tomcat technologies) that act as middlewares between LIS (Laboratory Information System) and devices, using application level communication protocols such as HL7 and ASTM E1381/E1394. My responsibilities include designing, developing, tracking and managing issues and defining test suites with appropriate tools. I work in a team using the agile Scrum software development framework. Additional responsibilities of quality control of the code produced by the team, with dedicated tools (Sonar).

Jun 2005 - Sep 2014
Marco Di Nicola
Bologna, Italy
Freelance Developer
I worked mostly as web developer, ranging from responsive and cross-browser websites (using frameworks like AngularJS, JQuery Mobile, Ionic, ...) to web applications built with Apache-PHP5, Django or Node.js. I have also developed native Android application.

Programming Languages

C, C++, Java, Javascript/Typescript, PHP, Python, Bash (Linux scripting)
C#, AWK, Pascal, Batch (Windows scripting), R, Processing
AgentSpeak, x86 Assembly, MATLAB
MiniZinc, Objective-C, Scheme, Visual Basic

Areas of Expertise

Enterprise Dev.
Mobile Dev.
System Admin

Technical Know-How

  • Developing applications with Java SE and EE (managing databases, distributed transactions, persistence, ...) libraries and specifications.
  • Responsive Web developing using HTML5, CSS3 and some JS frameworks, including Angular(JS/5), React, Ionic, JQuery, JQuery Mobile, Ext JS.
  • Developing server-side web applications with PHP, Python (Django framework) and Node.js.
  • Developing native mobile applications for Android/iOS from a single code base with the Nativescript framework.
  • Using and configuring the JBoss Application Server and Tomcat Servlet Container.
  • Managing RDBMS: MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server.
  • Managing NoSQL databases: document (MongoDB, CouchDB) and graph (Neo4j) oriented.
  • Using Semantic Web technologies: formats (rdf/xml, turtle), vocabularies for ontologies (Skos, Owl, Foaf, ...), query languages (SPARQL).
  • Software engineering competence: experience with cascade and agile software development processes (Scrum), test driven designing and modeling.
  • Using tools for the quality control of produced code: Sonar.
  • Using versioning tools (git, svn) in software development processes.
  • Using code building tools like Ant and Make.
  • Using task/issue tracking softwares like Jira and Trello.
  • Programming Arduino boards.
  • Programming XBee network adapters (based on 802.15.4/ZigBee stack): setting up networks.
  • Deploying sensor networks.
  • Administrating Linux based systems (Bash scripting, configuring commonly used services and tools).
  • Developing applications for Android based devices (SDK and NDK).
  • Modelling and simulating scenarios using Omnet++, NS2, PeerSim, Sumo and Jason.
  • Statistical analysis of data using the R software environment.
  • Constraint programming with the MiniZinc tool.
  • Developing graphical applications using OpenGL API and the GLSL shading language.
  • Developing 2D/3D videogames using the Unity 3D game engine.
  • 3D modelling using Blender.
  • Some experience in image editing with Adobe Photoshop.


2012 - 2014
Alma Mater Studiorum
Bologna, Italy
Master Degree in Computer Science
  • Grade: 110 Cum Laude.
  • Thesis: A Route Planning Service for Electric Mobility scenarios (Un Servizio di Route Planning per scenari di Mobilità Elettrica).

2009 - 2012
Alma Mater Studiorum
Bologna, Italy
Bachelor Degree in Computer Science
  • Grade: 106.
  • Thesis: Design and Deployment of Context-aware Applications on Mobile Devices (Progettazione e Implementazione di Applicazioni Context-aware su Dispositivi Mobili).

L.Bedogni, L. Bononi, A. D' Elia, M. Di Felice, M. Di Nicola, T. Salmon Cinotti, Driving Without Anxiety: a Route Planner Service with Range Prediction for the Electric Vehicles, in Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Connected Vehicles & Expo (IEEE ICCVE 2014), 3-7 November 2014, Wien, Austria.